We are your partner worldwide
Our location is Düsseldorf / Germany
Detektive Kocks
Since 1955 successful operations for colleagues and customers throuout the world.
Raoul Classen
General Manager of Detektiv-Institut Kocks GmbH, specializing in economic crime investigations and industrial espionage prevention. With a background in the military and extensive experience in the private sector, he conducts security analyses, employee training, and advises on crisis management for businesses.
Qualified team
With more than fifty years of experience in the field our investigators and enquiry agents have the most diverse qualifications of successful undercover operations and investigations.
Specialist network
Many years of successful cooperation with competent partners for legal, security and technology issues.
Investigations, observation and evidence gathering for the following problem areas:
- theft, misappropriation, fraud
- anonymous accusations
- abduction, blackmail
- corruption
- product piracy
- copyright and patend infringements
- disclosure of secrets, bugging
- industrial espionage, sabotage
- computer crime
Market and company information
Search for information on persons, screening on applicants
Affidavit of service

About us
Our philosophy – quality and discretion
Ever since it was founded in 1955 by M. Wilhelm Kocks, the Kocks private investigation agency has made it its business to implement prevention, fact finding, and evidence gathering measures for protecting companies against white collar and staff crime.
In a confidential conversation we can present numerous references testifying to the success of our private investigator services. Here’s what some of our customers have to say about our 55 years of private investigation work.
Our services
Fact finding and evidence gathering
- exposure of theft, fraud, etc., e.g. through undercover investigations and the specific observation of suspected staff
- clarification of industrial sabotage
- investigations into anonymous tips, defamation of character, and bomb threats
- recovery of stolen goods at home and abroad
- research for undisclosed assets and distraint candidates
- protection against encroachments by the competition and unfair trade practices by
- detecting bugging risks
- providing fast assistance in countering brand piracy and infringements of patents and copyrights
- monitoring unfair competition
Prevention based on control procedures and advice
- investigations into the loyalty of applicants for and staff in positions of trust
- tailor-made protection and security concepts as well as their realization
- risk assessment and credit rating of new customers, investments, and shares
Specialist competence, quality, and discretion in prevention, fact finding, and evidence gathering ensure fast and permanent solutions – at both the national and international levels. Call us!

Your problem
Lack of evidence
Being right is one thing, but proving that you are is a question of evidence. Taking your case to a civil court, labour tribunal, or criminal court is a lost cause if you can’t produce the evidence you need.
Theft & embezzlement
Theft and embezzlement committed by staff are continually on the increase. The official crime statistics can give no reliable information because these cases are reported only rarely.
Expenses fraud
A particularly frequent manifestation of fraud which is increasingly affecting both middle-sized companies and corporate groups is expenses fraud committed by fieldworkers.
Buyer corruption
In the business-to-business field, the budgets for relations management are generously stocked.
Absenteeism disguised as sick reports is not a petty offence, but fraud. The consequence is escalating staffing costs and disruptions to industrial processes.
Industrial espionage
The growing pressure of innovative success and the new markets in Central and Eastern Europe are intensifying the competition to such an extent that also industrial espionage.
Systematic embezzlement, acts of sabotage with far-reaching consequences, and increasing online industrial espionage are all possible when computers are manipulated.
Product piracy
Not only consumer goods, also machinery and supplied parts are becoming increasingly affected by brand and product piracy. Detectives Kocks successfully fighting against product pirates. Faked products of a famous parfume from paris were offered on the German market under price declared. Detectives Kocks had to find out the distribution channels and the persons behind. Experience in building-up a convinced pretext and the know how regarding organization and distribution channels of product pirates were deciding factors for Detectives Kocks in der successful fighting against faked parfume.
Bad debts
The customer isn’t paying, although you have delivered the goods or provided the services as agreed.
Your advantages
evidence: KOCKS
Rising managers and employee crime has fatal consequences. Corporate assets are emaciated, playful competitive advantages, profits and jobs will be destroyed.
Statistics say: No company is safe.
You can express a suspicion prevail staffing measures and win labour court only by verified evidence and witness statements. The care, quality and discretion in preparing and determination make our evidence and witnesses to strengthen instruments. Without this evidence your lawyer may not win a procedure.
We have the solutions to your problems.
Discrete evidence investigators since 1955. Experienced partner at your side. Detectives KOCKS act nationwide and internationally. “We clarify that! Discreet, reliable and successful.”
- Founding in 1955 by M. Wilhelm Kocks.
- Trust trained, certified and experienced ZAD-employees and contract specialists in the international network for specific tasks.
- Our initial consultation (free of charge) with problem analysis has often proved to be efficient for our customers.
- A key component of our success and reputation is the careful work and reporting with the direct participation of our fully qualified lawyers.
- We have high recommendation and re-commissioning quotas of satisfied clients, we often care for many years. With us, you are also in good company.
By the way, about 80% of our orders arrive tion states by recommendation or re-engagement by existing customers. This was due to both the service and the personal attention of the customer during order processing.
Raoul Classen reports on investigative possibilities and limitations as well as the usefulness of the investigation results in workshops and in-house event, also at seminars and conferences.
The competence-association of business protection and detective agency has agreements of framework contracts and close cooperation among others contributed with internationally active law firms. It was one of the important steps in the over 55-year history of detectives KOCKS.

Your benefits
Why Detectives KOCKS?
We have the solutions to your problems. Detectives KOCKS are working nationwide and on international markets.
Detectives KOCKS serve the wider economy at home and abroad for economic
protection (eg safety advice) and problem solving at workplaces.
Free resources
First Aid: Request! Helping people help themselves – at damage control, preservation of evidence, process gain, regress.
Evidence: KOCKS.
KOCKS evidence prevents loss of competitive advantages, profits and jobs.
Detective reports
Who, What, When, How, Why, With what, Where?
These are the findings that should be taken by every detective work. The goal is the detection of events in chronological order without gaps.
We offer customized in-house events. Determine your priorities.
You are looking for serious support to solve your problems?
We offer know-how from over 60 years of practice with investigative methods!
You will find a selection of our workshops.
- Stop the betrayal of trade secrets
- Breach of non-competition clause to prove
- Legal defense measures
- Decision support in the candidate selection
You have other issues? Talk to us!
Raoul Classen
He is the CEO of Detektiv-Institut Kocks GmbH and supports you with his extensive experience in addressing your problems. After transitioning from the military to the private sector, he led numerous investigations in the field of economic crime as a responsible corporate investigator, where he also served many years as an undercover agent.
A particular focus of his work is the detection and prevention of industrial espionage in companies. In the field of prevention, he conducts security and vulnerability analyses, develops information protection concepts, implements eavesdropping protection measures, and provides employee training for at-risk companies.
He also assists in building security and crisis management systems for small and medium-sized enterprises, large corporations, or wealthy individuals.
On a political level, he advocates for greater awareness among the German public about the threats of economic espionage and the associated loss of know-how and jobs. Additionally, Raoul Classen serves as a lecturer, including for the Lower Saxony State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, and has held positions in various detective associations.

Legal Notice
Detektiv-Institut Kocks GmbH
Beerenhöhe 30
21077 Düsseldorf
Raoul Classen
E-Mail: info@detektive-kocks.de
Tel. +49 (0)211 408 777 0
Fax +49 (0)211 408 777 25